How to best support your Aelia® weeks?
In children…

Nothing much to do in kids, they are highly adaptable, all elimination highways are clear and they only carry a couple of years worth of emotions.
In adults…
For grown-ups, Aelia® works a bit like a detox…
Possible symptoms during the first 2 weeks include fatigue, thirst, and yes, old blocking emotions that may come out, particularly in empaths… and clearing up is just what we want!

Be patient! Aelia® may feel a bit like restarting a computer with lots of updates… It takes a little time, it’s always too slow, but it’s much better afterwards!
A new computer restarts super fast… An older or a very full one? Not so fast!
A little patience and trust, and you’re almost at the next octave!
This is why that, in adults, we are only starting Aelia® within a consultation, so that together, we get to close all possible opened tabs that are slowing you down on a daily basis…
What can you do about it?
A “detox” involves opening the body’s 3 elimination pathways wide, especially during the first 2 weeks:

- maximize CUTANEOUS elimination with regular baths (or footbaths) with Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate): about 5 tablespoons in the bath, every 2-3 days

- maximize RENAL detox by hyper-hydration:
- lots of water, of course
- (re)discover the magic of tea (especially citrus green tea, which is purifying) and herbal teas (especially thyme)
- probiotics, the friendly bacteria found in lacto-fermented products such as kombucha, keffir and sauerkraut ( “lacto” does NOT mean dairy products, which better be be reduced)
- chicken broth, rich in collagen to rebuild the intestinal barrier (cook a quality whole chicken for 2-3 hours in plenty of water, filter, then store in the fridge or in small portions in the freezer)

- maximize HEPATIC detox with a healthy, organic, living diet
- prebiotics is what nourishes the friendly bacteria mentioned above
- vegetables, especially
- organic and unprocessed, ideally
- vegetable juices (cucumber in particular, fennel, spinach, etc.)
- lentil sprouts (alkalizing)
But also…
AVOID the 4 essential oils that are incompatible with homeopathy: Tea-tree, Eucalyptus radiata, Scots Pine and Peppermint.
Prefer :
- Helichrysum/Curry EO (repair)
- Ginger EO (cleansing)
- Spearmint EO (inflammation and skin elimination)
- Vetiver or Elemi EO (grounding)

To prepare for an appointment and boost your vital energy, we can’t stress enough the importance of :
- grounding exercices
- the remineralizing power of Schuessler salts (there are 12 of them, but they are sold together). Dilute several times a week in your water bottle, so you get a little bit every time you drink! Cure of 3 to 6 months minimum.
Aelia® will reconnect you to your intuition, and lead you naturally towards better health.
New habits…
To go further :
- emotional management exercises (cardiac coherence, syringe exercise, etc.)
- Sleep: enough in quantity and enough in quality!
- Gentle physical activity, meditation and yoga/qi gong/tai chi/pilates
- Limit dairy products
- “Hafer” diet = phosphate-free = no processed foods, no ready-made meals, no soft drinks, no processed cheeses, …
- Sanitize your home: unlimited music, natural perfumes with reason, and geobiology (or how to heal the house that carries you…).
- Gratitude and Carpe diem…

Welcome to a new, easier life!

One last thing!
PLEASE fill in the follow-up forms via the links below, to contribute to the official recognition of this incredible remedy!