How to best support your Aelia® weeks?

In children…

woman in white long sleeve shirt kissing girl in white long sleeve shirt

Nothing much to do in kids, they are highly adaptable, all elimination highways are clear and they only carry a couple of years worth of emotions.

In adults…

For grown-ups, Aelia® works a bit like a detox…

Possible symptoms during the first 2 weeks include fatigue, thirst, and yes, old blocking emotions that may come out, particularly in empaths… and clearing up is just what we want!

Be patient! Aelia® may feel a bit like restarting a computer with lots of updates… It takes a little time, it’s always too slow, but it’s much better afterwards!

A new computer restarts super fast… An older or a very full one? Not so fast!

A little patience and trust, and you’re almost at the next octave!

This is why that, in adults, we are only starting Aelia® within a consultation, so that together, we get to close all possible opened tabs that are slowing you down on a daily basis…

What can you do about it?

A “detox” involves opening the body’s 3 elimination pathways wide, especially during the first 2 weeks:

water droplets on blue surface
  1. maximize CUTANEOUS elimination with regular baths (or footbaths) with Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate): about 5 tablespoons in the bath, every 2-3 days
person holding clear drinking glass with brown liquid
  1. maximize RENAL detox by hyper-hydration:
  • lots of water, of course
  • (re)discover the magic of tea (especially citrus green tea, which is purifying) and herbal teas (especially thyme)
  • probiotics, the friendly bacteria found in lacto-fermented products such as kombucha, keffir and sauerkraut ( “lacto” does NOT mean dairy products, which better be be reduced)
  • chicken broth, rich in collagen to rebuild the intestinal barrier (cook a quality whole chicken for 2-3 hours in plenty of water, filter, then store in the fridge or in small portions in the freezer)
sliced fruit and vegetables
  1. maximize HEPATIC detox with a healthy, organic, living diet
  • prebiotics is what nourishes the friendly bacteria mentioned above
    • vegetables, especially
    • organic and unprocessed, ideally
    • vegetable juices (cucumber in particular, fennel, spinach, etc.)
  • lentil sprouts (alkalizing)

But also…

AVOID the 4 essential oils that are incompatible with homeopathy: Tea-tree, Eucalyptus radiata, Scots Pine and Peppermint.

Prefer :

  • Helichrysum/Curry EO (repair)
  • Ginger EO (cleansing)
  • Spearmint EO (inflammation and skin elimination)
  • Vetiver or Elemi EO (grounding)
a bottle of cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb cb


To prepare for an appointment and boost your vital energy, we can’t stress enough the importance of :

  • grounding exercices
  • the remineralizing power of Schuessler salts (there are 12 of them, but they are sold together). Dilute several times a week in your water bottle, so you get a little bit every time you drink! Cure of 3 to 6 months minimum.

Aelia® will reconnect you to your intuition, and lead you naturally towards better health.

New habits…

To go further :

  • emotional management exercises (cardiac coherence, syringe exercise, etc.)
  • Sleep: enough in quantity and enough in quality!
  • Gentle physical activity, meditation and yoga/qi gong/tai chi/pilates
  • Limit dairy products
  • “Hafer” diet = phosphate-free = no processed foods, no ready-made meals, no soft drinks, no processed cheeses, …
  • Sanitize your home: unlimited music, natural perfumes with reason, and geobiology (or how to heal the house that carries you…).
  • Gratitude and Carpe diem…
woman sitting on white bed while stretching

Welcome to a new, easier life!

five birds flying on the sea

Une dernière chose!

One last thing!

PLEASE fill in the follow-up forms via the links below, to contribute to the official recognition of this incredible remedy!

And if you want to help us a little more