selective focus photo of bubble front of green tree
pasta with sauce on plate

At last, an easy and effective approach to food/gluten intolerance and its impact on the brain

Aelia® is an extra-ordinary homeopathic complex. One of a kind. Universal : an epidemic remedy means it fits all, which is quite unusual for homeopathy!

Aelia®* deeply stabilizes and supports your nervous system: emotions, memory and learning

Aelia®* avoids your negative emotions to stick around too long and later somatise in disease

Aelia®* helps you ground and find your true self, with homeopathy‘s good vibrations only!

*According to homeopathic principles. In homeopathic terms, let’s say that Aelia® treats the ‘obstacles to cure’, and clears up previous ‘suppressions’. In doing so, it helps all other interventions bring out their full potential!

The “kids” version, for 0-15 year olds, is now available

The adult version is and will only be available within consultation with us, at the clinic or through videocall. Aelia® is similar to a detox and deserves to be followed up according to biological age, and all emotions stocked up along the way….

Aelia® contains the password to BE PRESENT TO THE PRESENT :

close the door to parasites (digestive, cutaneous, and general)

be more adaptable

rediscover genuine and right intuition

get grounded and anchored down to earth

take better care of your head and body, whatever the medicine, and say goodbye to food intolerances!

regain control over your life

better understand others and relativity

be more stable, more coherent and open up a brighter path in life

potentialize disease prevention

We managed to put Grounding in a pill. No side-effects and easy to take

Mouth-melting pills to take once every 2 to 3 weeks, and that’s it!

30€ for 40 cp, worth 3 to 9 months of treatment for one person. International shipment free and discount > 15 pcs. Order here at the pharmacy (kids version only, add 20€ postage to UK and US)

Being happy
never goes out of style”

Lilly Pulitzer

is adaptation

Albert einstein

Intuition is
a very powerful tool,
more powerful than intellect.

Steve Jobs

How we worked that up… Q.E.D!

“Play to your strenghts, work on your weaknesses” starts with identifying homeopathy’s strenght and learn from failures, right?

Having discovered (and well used! ) the principle of “an epidemic remedy”* since covid, I have since been looking for what is not only the common denominator between neurological epidemic pathologies, which although pathophysiologically different give the same symptoms homeopathically speaking: burnout and stress response, attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity, incipient neurodegenerative diseases, Lyme, ASD, …, but also the blind spot of homeopaths, which means that homeopathy does not work so well in everyone…

We were actually working on Leaky gut when we found THE common factor, the basis of Aelia®. Than we took it from there to compound it into making the epidemic vibration!

a pile of white pills sitting on top of a blue table

*FACT #1

*Only in epidemics, THE SAME homeopathic remedy is working for EVERYONE ALIKE!

All people who suffer from the same illness at the same time necessarily have the same vulnerability, and therefore respond to the same homeopathic frequency/remedy”.

In fact, it was thanks to the epidemic principle that homeopathy became known in illo tempore, thanks to the effectiveness of Veratrum album in the cholera epidemic that broke out during the Napoleonic army conflicts…

photo of person reach out above the water

FACT #2:

The “bigger picture” epidemic nowadays is a MESSED-UP MIND combined with PARASITES :

Regain control over your life, your time management, your mental health, and therefore your physical health and personal development!

Aelia® is your ideal nervous system update for the post-covid era!