The Team
“Until not so long ago, I thought that everyone had the same intuition as me, and I couldn’t understand why people were promising things that sounded so wrong, without knowing that they didn’t know it yet.
Now that I’ve understood, I can finally use my intuition to the full, as well as transmitting and explaining the reverse learning path, towards the right intuition…”

General practitioner, Sports doctor, Homeopathic Doctor, Travel Medicine and Global Health
BAC+17 : Diploma in Medicine UCL 2008 with High Honors, Postgraduate in International Health ITG Antwerp 2011, Interuniversity Certificate in Sports Medicine 2015, European Diploma in Homeopathic Medicine 2022 Homeobel
Apart from my native Belgium, I have lived and studied/worked in the USA (PA), Benin, Guatemala, Indonesia (Java) and France, and my 3 best teachers are 8, 4 and 2 years old!
It took a few obstacles for me to want to go further and further, and to have the courage to let go of those limiting thoughts that put up so many invisible barriers to learning… When I started sports medicine, I was certainly the least sporty, but I wanted to understand what gave athletes all that energy, I wanted to know how to treat my triathlete husband, and finally, I thought it was the only anti-ageing treatment, which is far from being the case (and in intensive sports, often the opposite…). When I started homeopathy, I may not have understood it, but I couldn’t deny what I had seen, and I wanted to understand… Curiosity and wonder at the complexity of life and health are wonderful driving forces!
It took me a few successes to learn to trust my feelings… Self-confidence is something you build, learn and therefore teach…
I love diversity (in patients, in care, in life), I love challenges, and I love everything that’s beautiful and best of all : smells good!
I’m always delighted to welcome trainee doctors!
I am now delighted to introduce Aurélie, who joined me at the beginning of 2024, and who not only understands quickly, but also brings all her sensitivity to everything she’s learnt in her months of training with me!

“For a long time, my hypersensitivity was perceived as a weakness, until the day I realised that it had to be tamed, and that it could be a precious asset in the overall care of the patient…. Regaining control of our lives is a challenge we can all rise to, and grounding ourselves is the key. Listening attentively, followed by multidisciplinary consultation, is the key to reopening the path of intuition that lies within each and every one of us…“

Nurse and Global Health Coach trained by Dr Durieu
I graduated with Distinction in 2007 as a graduate nurse at HENAC.
I have worked in hospitals in a number of areas: gastroenterology and digestive surgery, orthopaedics, geriatrics, pneumology and home care.
I was often seen as a ray of sunshine for the patients I met, but something kept it from shining at times… I had to question myself and understand that the time I was given to take care of them as I would have liked was not within my reach…
Then a breakthrough… an unexpected meeting with Dr Durieu…
I’m now turning to global medicine, having always been convinced that the mind has a huge impact on the origin of illnesses, and with so many things still to discover and so many ideas in my head to put into practice…
The concept
Why HLL?
First of all, it’s a play on the word Happy Hour! We take 1 hour for the first appointment with a patient.

the ‘H’ stands for HAPPY & HEALTHY LONG LIFE, that’s what we want for you, and our objective for your care
OUR LONG LIFE, because health is a personal matter and we hold more of the keys to it than we think (‘our’ = ours)
HOUR-LONG CONSULTATIONS, one hour to take stock and pave the way (‘hour-long’ = lasting one hour)
And then the slogan? “Eclairez en entier” means Shine to your full potential, just like a full moon
Full Shine, because health is much more than the absence of disease!
Life is too short to live only a crescent. Full Shine means being fully illuminated, even enlightened, finding YOUR Sun and living out YOUR life mission, which in fact has no reason to make you ill…
Our ressources

- nutrition
- healthy living
- conventional medicine if necessary
- grounding/anchoring
- gemmotherapy
- aromatherapy (essential oils) and olfactotherapy
- hormonal balance
- flower essences (Bach flowers and others)
- essential oils
- supplements and naturopathy
- Homeopathy, which allows us to make the links between
- the physical and the mental
- emotions and reality
- the individual and the group
- the acute and the chronic
- what is and what could be, etc.
- Traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine
- Yoga, mudras and ayurveda
- mental coaching
- alignement
- breath work
- the influence of the Toltec Agreements:
- Keep your word impeccable.
- Don’t take anything personally.
- Don’t make assumptions.
- Always do your best.
- Be sceptical, but learn to listen…
What is Individualised Global Health?

Health can only be dealt with in as GLOBAL a way as possible
- because we are all one
- because everything is interconnected
- because it’s wonderful to be able to combine ALL medicines, to find the perfect blend for each individual.
“All religions, all arts and all sciences are branches of the same tree”
Albert Einstein

The best health care is INDIVIDUALISED, because what helps some people doesn’t work for others!
Have you noticed how everything always comes down to a Gauss curve?
And that’s more of a WONDER than a problem…
Life is change, life is diversity, life is complexity!
And it is an honour for health professionals to humbly encourage it with all the existing medicines, which are all COMPLEMENTARY languages in the treatment of both physical and mental pathologies, in a quest for balance and health, respectful of the amazing self-healing capacities that we have!

When a homeopathic remedy is chosen wisely,
its curative action is gentle, rapid, deep, effective and safe.
As well as providing treatment, homeopathy also allows us to ‘take advantage’ of illness, which reveals our weaknesses or false paths, to learn to reconnect with our intuition/life path, learn to make the right choices and, little by little, let go of toxic patterns/relationships and welcome harmony…
Like a piece of a jigsaw puzzle that keeps getting stuck until it’s in its RIGHT PLACE…
There’s only one watchword: transform so much potential into efficiency!
Our futur projects : Aelia and Aelia Mental Health Pediatric Clinic
Together, let’s push back the boundaries of what we think we know, and of what we think is possible…