Although I’m passionate about juggling with ALL types of medicine, I feel it’s necessary to explain the Missunderstood #1 that is… Homeopathy!
It’s been around 200 years old, and in life, nothing lasts if it’s useless… So, who wants to try and understand?
What is homeopathy?
Homeopathy is an alternative, or complementary, medicine, often presented in the form of sugary granules carrying a vibration. The vibration acts like an instruction manual on the body, showing it the way to healing.
The complex manufacturing process extracts the precise frequency of a mineral or plant. Everything on earth can be extracted (so even toxic products can be used) and the vibration is fixed onto the granules.
Plant-based medicine?
There’s a bit of confusion associated with the well-kept mystery of homeopathy.
Plants are used in liquid preparations (gemmotherapy, bach flowers, essential oils, hydrolats, etc.) or in capsules (supplements). This is what we call naturopathy: using what nature gives us.
Homeopathy, on the other hand, is based on vibrations drawn from these same plants, as well as from minerals, drugs and even animal tissues. Each element on earth has its own vibration, its own symbolism, and this is what is conveyed by the vibratory frequency, and in the message of a remedy.
How can it work, if there’s nothing inside?
There’s nothing visible, nothing we can weigh, but there is something we can FEEL, a vibration, an electromagnetic wave, which is very well preserved and even refined in the process.
Like a composer’s music, which is even better known and acclaimed now than when he was alive!
In the granules, THERE IS a precise vibratory frequency, which interacts with our personal frequency to get us out of the disease and back “in phase”.
As in physics, 2 waves superimpose and cancel each other out
Like “less with less is more”!
Is it scientifically proven?
Contrary to popular belief, it’s no longer true to say the opposite, as a number of studies have been carried out (see here, for example). The main challenge remains to overcome our limiting thoughts and other conditioning…

“If you show a small child a record and tell him it’s music, he’ll say no”.
Because you need a player to extract the music from the record…
Similarly, not everyone is sufficiently aware of their vibratory perception to “feel” the granules. On the contrary, some hypersensitive people will give you the overall kind of remedy just by holding it in their hands!
If we need good vibes, why not give all remedies bundled up together then?
When you’re lost and want directions, what’s the point of someone pointing you in every direction?
The more precise your directions, the quicker and better you can help someone find their way!
There are now over 3,000 known remedies, and plenty more to discover!
So it takes a little time and a lot of expertise to find the right asap!
Why doesn’t it work for everyone?

There are 3 main obstacles to homeopathy, and it’s not the coffee! Full article here
The first is intoxications that are so important that they take up all the space, whether it’s professional exposure or food intolerances (read this article).
The second obstacle is a lack of anchoring, which makes us forget relativity and the fact that every electrical circuit (which we also are) needs to be connected to earth (read this article). Lack of grounding affects around 3 out of 4 people at present, with screens and various types of interference helping.
All medicine has its limits, and it’s important to be aware of them in order to help each person as best we can…
What’s wrong with coffee, chocolate or mint? Why don’t you keep the granules near a gsm?

Imagine yourself at a concert, not far from a loudspeaker… Can you talk to your neighbour?
Electromagnetic waves, such as those from microwaves, telephones, electric panels or even exposure to the sun, can actually degrade the vibration contained in the granules.
Can I touch the granules?
If it’s for you, it doesn’t matter whether the vibration arrives in your hand or via your mouth, let alone the density of nerve endings in the mouth and obvious better signal discrimination). If it’s for your children, it doesn’t even matter whether the vibration arrives via you or directly. In any case, you as a family form a system that needs to be energetically balanced as a whole.
We recommend that you don’t touch the granules you give to someone else, so as not to inadvertently “drain the battery” in it.
Several ways to use it?
Classically, homeopathy is used in granular form, but it can also exist in liquid form, in which case – a bit like essential oils – olfaction can sometimes be sufficient!
How quickly can it help?
When you see your favorite color or hear your favorite music, how long does it take? It’s instantaneous, and it’s often the same for a suitable remedy! (If it’s not, it’s not the right one). At least the beginning of the spiral or virtuous circle.
One rule of healing worth sharing is Hering’s Law, which states that we heal from top to bottom and from inside to outside. The head must be the first to get better, and the skin the last…
Can I take homeopathy even if I don’t believe in it?
Of course you can! Who could “believe in it” without having tested it first… Most homeopaths have only taken this path after seeing noticeable improvements in themselves and often in their children, since it’s when you become a parent that you often start to question “what would be better” or “what else could be done”. Unless you have a meditative/yoga/nature practice, it’s almost impossible to believe (without having tested it) otherwise in today’s world.
And yet! The brain learns in 3 stages. The brain needs to hear the same thing from 3 different sources to start paying attention. This is a security, but sometimes an obstacle. It takes time to accept the unknown, and it takes time to accept the limits of conventional medicine. Everything is complementary, and the strengths of one are not the strengths of the other, and that’s okay!
After that, there are several possible scenarios:
Either you want help, and sometimes anything goes. This is often how patients arrive, and there’s no need to believe it when you’re positive, searching and open to the unknown.
Everything comes at the right time, and nothing happens by chance…
Let yourself be guided, and let’s search together
Or you want to understand, and let’s face it: homeopathy is something you FEEL before you understand.
The biggest obstacle to learning is often our limiting thoughts and the “impression that we know”. Our intuition is sometimes years ahead of reason.
Trust opens unsuspected doors…
Or does the mere word “homeopathy” arouse a visceral discomfort in you?
The fear of change and the unknown, the need for control and the mirror effect* are human, so don’t force them. Find your peace first, one way or another. Give as little energy as possible to your negative emotions… (syringe exercise here?)
*what annoys us in others only shows us what we need to heal in ourselves…
I’ve been prescribed a remedy and I don’t understand why
We’re often poor judges of ourselves, so it’s best not to try to understand, rationalize or analyze, or you’ll be putting yourself in a bind!
Choosing a remedy is a complex process, and the information you’ll find on the Internet is sometimes so simplified as to be unrecognizable to you.
Don’t hesitate to ask questions if you don’t feel like it, rather than not taking the remedy, so that the work doesn’t go to waste.
Healing is 2 things: learning humility and learning intuition.
Why don’t all doctors talk about it?
It’s like learning a language: not everyone has the gift of languages, nor the need to learn others, especially when the first language has already taken us far, far away!
Everyone has their own path and their own level of understanding of the world…
Because of the length of consultations and therefore the cost, homeopathy remains a medicine for the privileged.
- by explaining and popularizing
- making courses accessible to all
- adapting our fees
- with Aelia® and the pediatric mental health clinic project
Choosing a homeopathic remedy is a complex process, involving 5 years of study and a lifetime of discovery, learning and opening up the field of possibilities!
By now, many people know a few tips, like arnica, and it’s a good way to start: just give it a try!
Trying can’t hurt
Yes, of course, try-yes, but don’t hesitate to ask for help if it doesn’t work.
Either the remedy works, and you space it out until you stop using it as soon as you can
Or it’s the wrong language, the remedy doesn’t do anything and won’t do anything in the long term, so you have to find something else… Keep looking, or ask!