Leaky Gut (LG), Empaths and Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
- What is Leaky Gut
Leaky gut is a defect in the intestinal barrier, linked to a dysregulation of the gut flora, itself the result of multiple causes, ranging from dietary abuse to pesticides.
Under normal circumstances, the GAP junctions weld the intestinal cells together, and food passes THROUGH the cell into the bloodstream.
The consequence of a wall defect is simple: not only toxic substances but also several foods (often in the same order) pass BETWEEN the enterocytes, are no longer metabolised and end up in the bloodstream in their entirety.
2.Food intolerance and not food allergy
We are talking about food intolerances and not allergies, because there is no rapid reaction by the body as in a classic IgE allergy (hay fever, angioedema, etc.).
Ask your doctor for advice!
3. It is an immune reaction with memory antibodies (IgG) that we develop against these circulating foods.
IgG antibodies are “memory” antibodies, such as those we develop following illnesses or vaccines, so that the response is ready the next time the body encounters the pathogen.
The main culprits that pass through the intestinal barrier without pre-treatment in the enterocytes are mostly :
GLUTEN, followed by milk, eggs (especially the yolks) and bananas.
Next come mustard (and therefore mayonnaise!), tomatoes, apples, additives (dextrose, gum arabic), lemon, dextrose, etc.
Generally speaking, it’s often what we eat too much of (like an addiction) or what we already feel we shouldn’t eat. Children know…)Let’s trust them a little more, especially as it’s not uncommon for a child who has had gluten removed – when it’s objectively proven, of course – to start eating more vegetables again!
In LG, the pathogen arrives at every meal! So the immune activation cascade is incessant.
It’s like a path in the woods trying to grow grass again:everytime you walk, it hinders the growing, yet not cancelling it all either. LG is dose-dependent. Be sensible regardings to life events that ought to be celebrated,
You do need to limit the foods your immune system reacts against as much as possible to stop poisoning yourself at every meal, and to avoid the listen to lenghten…
Being attacked at every meal means being shaken up every time. It’s hard to stay on course, it’s hard to have a stable base, it’s hard to be coherent and therefore hard to attract a coherent and simplified life…
4. Why is it little known in allergology, gastroenterology or neuro-psychiatry?
It’s a global pathology, bringing us back to general medicine…
5. In adults: immunity, fatigue and depression
The consequence of LG is firstly a deficient immunity, since it is in fact over-stimulated, and therefore no longer has any reserves to defend itself against ‘real’ pathogens.
In adults, it is common to find at best brain fog, at worst a direct impact on morale, sometimes severe, with an inability to find the right limits with others, an inability to respect oneself and to be respected, an inability to anchor oneself and above all to stay anchored (with the consequences that this can have), etc.
Disruption of the microbiota can also be accompanied by bacterial hyperproliferation in the small intestine (SIBO for Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth), which only makes matters worse.
6. In children: immunity, failure to thrive, hypersensibility and the hidden autism spectrum disorders
When LG develops in a developing child, it takes a much more serious turn :
- repeated infections linked to deficient immunity can have an impact on growth
- mouth breathing linked to a constantly blocked nose
- the impact on the mood affects all psychological, emotionnal and relational development.
The brain’s capacity to learn lasts throughout life, but the plasticity of synapses (neuronal connections) is optimal before the age of 6.
While Empaths are almost the new normal, Autism is still a very taboo disease, but it’s on the rise too! We often find excuses to explain behaviour in children that we question (“they don’t like it, they’re tired, they’re shy, it’s age-related”, etc.) in order to reassure ourselves.
Intestinal hyperpermeability is found in around 2/3 of Autistic Spectrum Disorders.
There’s a whole spectrum of intolerances, autisms and colours!
Number of food intolerances | Symptoms | % ASD |
30 | mutism and/or repetition of words or phrases (echolalia) | 80% |
significant intellectual deficit, except in certain areas, autonomy impossible | 70% | |
5-10 | narrow and specific interests and activities | 60% |
gluten and mustard in 2/3 | does not respond to his name, loss of visual contact, tendency towards isolation | 50% |
gluten in 2/3, and more | unusual and inappropriate reactions to sensory stimuli, rituals that are difficult to break, resistance to pain | 40% |
1-5 | unusual and inappropriate reactions to sensory stimuli, rituals that are difficult to break, resistance to pain | 30% |
lack of connection, lack of empathy lack of understanding of social codes | 20% | |
parfois | empaths | 15% |
0 | we are ALL psychorigid about certain things, it’s normal! | 7% |
0 | no one! | 0% |
7. Diagnosis: in 2 very different ways
Assess the foods to which the person reacts:
- either in the blood test: measure food IgG (not “normal” allergy IgE)
- start with the most common: gluten, egg, banana, milk, etc. as these can be costly
- or kinesiology testing… Whether our brain can hear it or not, it’s still much less invasive, especially in children, and especially in children who are already suffering…
Early detection of food intolerances means that it allows to :
- do something about it
- answer many of the questions that often leave parents at a loss
- draw attention to the need for appropriate ASD treatment AS SOON AS POSSIBLE (which is still on average after the age of 3, i.e. late).
Physically: small patches of rosacea on the cheeks could be linked (as if you could see the blood vessels, see the picture).
This could actually be pathognomonic for Leaky Gut.
8. Triad of care for LG (in addition to specific care for ASD)
- avoidance of foods to which the immune system reacts, for as long as it takes…
- On its own, this can take a very long time, until the diet is abandoned and the problem is never really solved…
- Sometimes there are so many things a person reacts to that it’s almost impossible logistically speaking (especially when there’s a general mistrust of food and it’s already very complicated).
- In terms of prevention, varying your diet as much as possible (“varying your poisons”) and following your intuition is the best way to prevent illness!
- healing of the intestinal barrier: avoidance of pesticides, chicken broth for collagen, prebiotics, etc.
- homeopathy: theoretically, changing someone’s vibration will cause them to change their microbiota, thereby healing the barrier and getting everything back on track… The main problem lies in the fact that LG is an obstacle to grounding, and hence a genuine obstacle to homeopathic cure, which thereby needs to be tackled differently than many other diseases.
- avoid any further unecessary immune disruption
The most effective remedy is certainly a combination of everything that exists…
But that’s also why I’ve been working for years on an epidemic remedy (an epidemic being a single remedy for everyone!) to bar the door to parasites, and so calm the whole reactionary cascade… right up to autistic disorders in this case!
It’s called Aelia®, follow the link to learn all there is to know about it!
Obviously not everything will be reversible in terms of the consequences for physical and relational growth after a certain age, but for the most difficult cases, returning to a threshold of relative autonomy (present or future) is already a major step forward.
A little more time is needed, but based on changes at 3 months for the moment (30-40%>15%), we think we can talk about a 30% reduction in disorders in 9-18 months.
Note that because Aelia® acts on the entry point for parasites, all parasitic diseases are likely to respond to the treatment, in particular: Lyme and co-infections, brain fog and burnout (babesiosis, toxoplasmosis, etc.), lice and resistant scabies, as well as prevention of neurodegenerative diseases, etc.
To conclude, more to think about…
“Doesn’t the fact that autism and ASD receive so little attention (despite the explosion of cases) testify to a global parasitism/autism, which prevents us from being aware of the reality of others?”
but also…
“Isn’t polarised thinking at a population level what ASD is at an individual level?“
Global biodiversity depends on the biodiversity of humans, and of our plates…